Affiliate Disclosure
Thank you for taking the time to read through my site, I truly appreciate every viewer, you are the reason I am able to offer this information free of charge.
I do my best to produce high-quality content that makes it easy for everyone to learn all about my opinions on the products I am reviewing.
To keep this site ad-free the bongbongs employs the use of affiliate links, which provide the bongbongs with referral commissions when purchases are made through my links. I only post affiliate links for authorized dealers I have used myself and have had only good experiences with. If I post an affiliate link, it is to a dealer I personally continue to trust and use.
I have purchased many of the items on this site and feel confident you will enjoy them as much as I do. I NEVER charge a company for a review up-front. The only way that I make any money from this site is if you click an affiliate link and purchase something.
I understand providing a good customer experience is the key to the long-term success the bongbongs desires. The viewer’s best interests will always be put first.